
A Gritty, Powerful NPR Tiny Desk Concert: Black Dub (Trixie Whitley and Daniel Lanois)

lawhawk1/31/2015 6:18:59 am PST

So, media outlets are trying to frame the vaccination need as a “debate”. Wrong.

It’s not a debate. It’s not a question. Anti-vaxxers who are unsupported by facts, logic, or science, are doing real damage to public health.

The only debate should be how quick states should adopt the WV and MS position on mandatory vaccinations except for those with an established medical need (eg immune compromised, allergic). If MS can get to 99% vaccination, so too can every other state.

This is out of hand, and with reports that someone who may have had measles self-reported that they went through New York Penn Station (which sees 100,000+ people a day, on Amtrak up to Albany and then to Western NY), the fact is that we might see a cluster of cases here soon too.