
Pamela Geller Edits Post to Conceal Violent Rhetoric in 'Email from Norway'

Fozzie Bear7/29/2011 1:56:37 pm PDT

re: #166 makeitstop

All day I’ve been reading about how a ton of Republicans (Voinovich and Bartlett, Bill O’Reilly, Bob Corker, among others) are starting to push back against the Tea Partiers.

Things have gotten so completely unhinged that even that nutbag Allen West is going to be facing a primary challenge for supporting Boehner’s bill from last night.

My question is this - do the Old Guard Republicans have enough left in the tank to deliver a smackdown to the TP contingent? Or is it just too late because they let the TP contingent get too much power too soon and can’t stop them any more?

Is there any way to stop the crazy that is now in full gallop?

When Bill O’Reilly has become the leftmost fringe of a political party, I think it is safe to say the party is too far gone to ever come back. Does anybody else remember when O’Reilly was considered a right-wing loon? Now he’s a moderate republican, practically a RINO, and it’s not like he’s gotten more liberal.

The GOP is beyond the reach of sanity as a party, and unfortunately, they still garner many millions of votes. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that about 30% of the country, give or take, has completely lost touch with reality when it comes to politics and economics.

This kind of thing can’t happen this quickly without a very well-funded propaganda campaign, sustained over the course of decades.