
Reince Priebus Whines About Being Accused of Racism, MSNBC Instantly Backs Down

ObserverArt1/30/2014 10:48:31 am PST

Damnit…a new thread again and I’m trying to answer Charles comment in the last. Sigh.

Anyway, since my comment in the last thread is fresh and on-topic for this one…I’mma gonna quote myself here.

re: #366 Charles Johnson

The constant flood of overt racism from today’s right is bad enough, but the *whining* when they’re called out on it is insufferable.

I swear all of this is calculated.

They always - ALWAYS - do this seemingly to send a message to that funky base they play too.

And as I always ask and wonder, how do they think it helps them in anyway? No one in that party can be that stupid to do and say the stupid things they do. So, I still say they think it plays to the base and it will help them in the future somehow. How?

The only thing they do to try to bring in new people is pay lip service with stuff like Reince Priebus saying they are working to be a more open and inclusive party, and they do not have a war against women, etc.

Blow it up! There apparently is no one in that party capable of real political strategy.

Or, the worst fear…they are all driven by ALEC, the Kochs and other big business types and regular voters no longer count and they do not care about the presidency. And why wouldn’t they care about the presidency? Maybe they think with all of their dollars, gerrymandering and selling to the base in those gerrymandered districts they can keep the house and get the senate and can continue to block and democratic president.