
Overnight Ocean Thread

theheat9/29/2009 4:07:28 am PDT

re: #175 spinmore

I’m not arguing what he did was horrible. At the time, if it were my child, and I had the opportunity, I’d have offed him myself.

You always hear about people on death row repenting what they’ve done. I’m sure this epiphany was facilitated almost exclusively by their incarceration. Had they been roaming scot-free, most of them would probably not waste time to reflect.

In Polanski’s case, this has been a monkey on his back for more than 30 years. Whether he was incarcerated or had fled justice, you know it’s been on his mind. A better person would not have fled. Of course, a better person would not have done what he did. But the fact remains, he’s quite aware of his crime, and he’s conducted himself differently. I think that counts for something.

I don’t hope he escapes justice. He strongly believe he needs to stand trial, and finally face that demon he’s avoided the past thirty-some years. But if his victim herself has forgiven him, I don’t think executing him at this moment in time serves any purpose other than to satisfy rage.