
Mitt Romney: I'd Vote For Ron Paul

jamesfirecat12/29/2011 2:14:40 pm PST

re: #169 Dark_Falcon

I’d rather work to bring it back to reality. Soon enough, some of the people chasing the ‘Not-Romney’ flavor of the week are going to realize they aren’t acting in a way that wins elections. And when that time comes, they’re going to need sane people who didn’t jump ship to help them back to smart positions.

I disagree.

I think Not-Romney is going to shove more coal in the fire and ride straight into Democratic Landslide Junction.

Until the GOP can look itself in the mirror and say “we tried to shift ourselves right as far as we could and it didn’t work, we need to start shifting left” there’s no hope for sanity.

Given how Romney’s numbers seem content to rest around 25% once the crazies can finally unite behind one candidate he’ll steamroll Mittens and go onto get likewise crushed in the general election, only then can the healing begin.