
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's SIOA Listed As Hate Group

Simply Sarah2/25/2011 5:02:12 pm PST

re: #173 ProLifeLiberal

I know, but at least they are taking action.

re: #170 Simply Sarah

I see your point, but what’s going on there now seems to be more than just a normal toppling of Government. To me, this seems to be a very rapid civil war between two factions in a nation. Certainly lower scale than some, but this is far more intense than what is going on in Mexico with their Drug War.

Oh, I’m not questioning the intensity. I think it is, if anything, closer to an armed rebellion or revolt or revolution (3Rs?), since, at least from what reporting we’ve been getting, the vast majority of the population, along with most of the regular military, is supporting the rebellion against a largely isolated leader and his personal forces (Which are apparently made up of, at least in part, irregular forces).

It’s a bit of a nitpick of terminology, but I also think that a widespread popular uprising functions differently than a civil war, in that most civilians and military are on the same side, rather than a country truly divided against itself. Of course, what happens after the common enemy is gone is another worrisome question.