
The Dark Forces Empowered by Donald Trump: Hate Rising, by Jorge Ramos

lawhawk10/31/2016 7:11:01 am PDT

The more we know about Anthony Weiner, the more this seems actually plausible. Huma’s in an impossible situation here, thanks to Weiner.

Oh, and we know nothing of what the FBI found. In fact, the FBI doesn’t know, which is why they just got the warrant to figure out if there’s anything actually in any of these emails that warranted the breathless opining over the weekend that this will be the emails that finally convict and sentence Clinton to endless investigations, prison, or worse.

Mind you, there’s nothing to indicate that any of this is criminal, or even actually related to Clinton’s emails. Someone has to go through and check these emails against all the others that were obtained/recovered. It may well turn out to be a nothing burger and these are duplicates of all the other emails that had previously been reviewed, in which case, it was sound and fury signifying a big meh.

As it is, this is a meh, but one more reason for Huma to kick Weiner to the curb once and for all.