
Brad Mehldau's Epic Version of Rush's "Tom Sawyer"

JC13/26/2022 9:47:13 pm PDT

re: #191 Hecuba’s daughter

Until Russian forces have left Ukraine and Putin has been deposed, I will not be celebrating Ukraine’s current success. As they say, it’s not over till it’s over and while the nation is being destroyed and its citizens are being slaughtered or huddling in cities under bombardment, it’s premature to assume that all will ultimately end well. I’ve never been an optimist, and Putin is someone who is willing to commit any crimes to achieve his goals; he will level Ukraine and kill all before conceding a defeat. After all, since Putin has gained power, he has never lost a fight; his forces have always emerged victorious.

The GOP is still in this country working to return to full power, obstructing Biden at every turn. Putin can ultimately achieve his victory through his army of traitors within our borders, seeking to destroy our democracy.

I will celebrate every day that the Ukrainian flag flies over Kyiv. The deaths are awful, and I am in no way trying to minimize them, but they’re a tiny fraction of what Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, China, etc. Suffered in WW2.

Yes, the GOP are still dicks, but by and large they’ve backed strong actions against Russia, with many GOP Congress critters pushing Biden to do even more. Russian money will become toxic in politics for years; that’s a lot of money missing from the GOP and various right leaning PACs. Europe is largely united in the stand against Russia; I think that even Orban will come around once the elections are over next month.

Finally, although this is Putin’s fault, we (US, NATO, and Germany) allowed this to happen by not seeing the threat that Putin posed with clear eyes and acting aggressively sooner. I think that the world has largely woken up, and I take a bit of solace in that.