
Seth Meyers: Trump and GOP Furiously Backpedal After Alabama Embryo Ruling Threatens IVF

Vicious Babushka2/27/2024 9:14:58 am PST

re: #184 Mattand

I don’t have to go out on the street. My partner took a call from her mother while we’re in the car the other day; I’m driving, she’s the passenger.

I only caught the better half’s end of the convo, but Mom was freaking out about immigration and why won’t Congress do anything. Partner wasn’t up-to-speed on the whole deal, but pointed out there were bills before Congress and both were rejected.

Mom then complains that Biden should “do something” about Congress. Partner points out that Congress is a different branch and doesn’t report to the President. Conversation immediately shifts to something else.

A few clarifications/takeaways:

1. My partner doesn’t keep up on politics like I do, so when Mom has her freakouts, she doesn’t have ready answers for the bulkshit. That’s what makes these situations so difficult: you have to be a goddamn walking Wiki to combat this stuff. Which leads to…

2. Pointing out that Republicans spiked bills that favored them because Trump didn’t want Biden getting credit on immigration would have caused a massive meltdown. Classic boomerang effect: Mom cannot handle any challenges to her worldview. Also my partner can’t deal with anymore with Mom with this stuff. This woman is so thoroughly brainwashed by Fox News that I’m having a hard time seeing how this isn’t a cult at this point. Which leads to…

3. It’s absolutely amazing how little Fox reports on this stuff. It’s really instructive to see how they’re shaping their message to absolutely terrify elderly white conservatives into voting GOP. Doesn’t help that Mom is a raging narcissist who can’t be wrong about anything.

So that was fun.

When I was at the hospital I saw that our oldest son had turned the TV to Fox just to mess with the poor old man. Every chyron is “More on Joe Biden’s advanced dementia” “More on the Biden Crime Family”

JFC either he is a doddering old man who can’t remember what day it is, or he is an eeeeville mastermind determined to make Donald Trump’s life a misery in every way. It can’t be both, Fox, they are mutually exclusive.

Last night Judge Jeanine was shouting so hard I thought she was going to throw up.