
A Gritty, Powerful NPR Tiny Desk Concert: Black Dub (Trixie Whitley and Daniel Lanois)

Skip Intro1/31/2015 8:24:50 am PST

World Famous floor shitter Charles C. Johnson may be pooping out a fortune and not know it.

You Can Sell Your Poop For $13,000 a Year

Money definitely doesn’t grow on trees, but it might be growing in your bowels. If you’re really healthy, you can sell your poop to sick people who need it for as much as $13,000 a year.

People who are infected with a bacteria called C. difficile need healthy fecal matter in their gut in order to survive — otherwise they need to be on constant antibiotic treatment. Some people with Crohn’s disease also benefit from fecal transplants. So a company called Open Biome has been facilitating fecal transplants to patients in need, and paying healthy poopers a hefty sum for their services.

$13,000 a year is a lot more than UpChuck has ever made as a “journalist”. I think all of you Twitter people should let him know about this. It’s the right thing to do.