
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan4/29/2010 6:41:46 am PDT

An Islamic cleric has sparked a worldwide movement I can support.

Boobquake celebrates ‘scandalous bodies’

A worldwide protest against an Iranian cleric’s suggestion that immodestly dressed women cause earthquakes is gaining magnitude in Vancouver.

“Boobquake,” the brainchild of Indian university student Jen McCreight, urges women worldwide to satirize cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi Monday by revealing a little cleavage — or ankle, for the modest.

“This is more than just parading around your boobs,” said Mission’s Sam Anderson, 24, who is rallying friends to take part.

“This is about letting people know that these comments are absolutely ridiculous— so we’re going to respond with something even more ridiculous. I think there will be a lot of cleavage in Vancouver Monday.”

The protest is shaking up debate around the world. By Saturday night, more than 22,400 had answered McCreight’s call to bare breast cleavage on her official Facebook event site.

Sedighi told Iranian media on April 16 that social decency could help avoid the recent devastating earthquakes that have struck worldwide.