
California Parents Buying Anti-Vaccination Hoaxes

JohnnyReb3/31/2009 4:25:12 pm PDT

re: #158 father_of_10

Crap happens. Even some of the vaccines end up, rarely, having negative outcomes. but, the chances of the negative outcomes is much less than the chance of getting the diseases they help prevent. And the negative outcomes of the diseases are far worse, both on an individual basis and a societal basis, than the side effects of the vaccines.

But there is always an exception to the rule. There is always going to be someone that suffers. When statistics show that 99 million out of 100 million people benefit from a vaccine, that still leaces a million people that might not.

Exactly right. I am old enough that I was never vacinated against either polio or small pox. And the kids I went to grade school with didn’t get it either.

Trust me, get your kids vacinated. There are a ton of famlies out there that had children die from smallpox, measels, mumps and a ton of stuff when I was a kid. Those kids don’t usually die now, but they did then. And I can remember a bunch of families who had kids that died before they even started school.

Most of the polio kids are dead now, but they were in my class with braces and the like. If they were strong, they lived. If they were not strong they died. And this was not that long ago. We are talking the 1950s.