
Mayor Mike Bloomberg Apparently Targeted With Ricin Letters

Viscous Obama5/29/2013 9:24:04 pm PDT

re: #201 Dark_Falcon

To be fair, though, that article is 7 years old. Schlafly has gotten a lot crazier since then, and Lopez no longer writes approvingly about her.

Eh, Schlafly was a heavy metal bigot all the way back in the 60s, caterwauling about the “gay agenda” even back then.

And if you think this is a one off, or just plain old, there’s a bevy of articles that echo the same remarks. From 2008:

With Schlafly looking on with a motherly (or Right sisterly) pride, Ingraham hit on it in her remarks: Conservatives see in Palin a commitment to values that are ignored and even scorned by popular culture and “the elites” — values that include, as Ingraham listed them: life, big families, hunting, patriotism, gun control, beating back bureaucracy, and holding government accountable.


The Eagle Forum radio program is normally hosted by Phyllis Schlafly. Today, it was hosted by her daughter, Anne Cori. We spent the hour talking about the Nobel Peace Prize.

On Ted Cruz, last year:

With Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, the Club for Growth, James Dobson, Eagle Forum, FreedomWorks, Fred Smith of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Robert P. George, and the Tea Party Express all lined up on one side, why was the Republican party on the other?

The Eagle Forum is really nucking futs, you know. And so is the NRO! What a coincidence, huh?