
Another GOP Creationist with Presidential Hopes

SixDegrees9/29/2009 2:34:06 pm PDT

I posted this earlier in the overnight thread, but it seems to fit here, so here it is again:

An interesting espisode of the BBC’s Heart and Soul radio program, on the religious implications of finding life on other planets, from the viewpoint of different faiths, from Buddhism to creationism to the Vatican and it’s church-run observatories.

Traces the roots of fundamentalism to the Enlightenment, when the Church openly embraced science as a tool for understanding creation. Then things went horribly wrong.

Longish - about a half-hour - but thought provoking.

I’ll add that no modern faith has issues with science or with finding life on other planets - except for the faith held by creationists, who are appalled at both ideas.