
Jackson Browne: "Doctor My Eyes" (Live on Austin City Limits)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/27/2023 4:27:01 am PDT

Chairman of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. I wonder if he read the Wall Street Journal editorial board article saying they no longer believed the Republican Party is the party of business.

“As the lead economic development organization for the region, the Greater Omaha Chamber is on the front line of ensuring our community can recruit and retain a talented workforce. For these reasons, the policy areas of workforce development and ensuring Nebraska is a welcoming place have joined the long-standing policy pillars of maintaining a tax policy and necessary economic tools to make Nebraska competitive. This is consistent with the recommendations from Blueprint Nebraska that inclusivity is the right thing to do. It is suitable for business and good for Nebraska.

While, as a chamber, we are not equipped to weigh in on issues that involve personal medical care decisions or medical decisions regarding parents, their children, and their healthcare professionals, we are prepared to speak up and remain fully committed to the ongoing importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion as an essential element of workforce development and community placemaking. We ask our elected officials to focus their work on being part of the long-term solution on the policy matters of the highest importance to Nebraskans and position our state as the best that it can be, particularly on issues that work against and threaten Nebraska as the warm and welcoming state we know it to be.

The best of Nebraska is not demonstrated by divisive ongoing political fighting on a national stage. The best of Nebraska is demonstrated by a healthy discussion where all voices are heard and which strives toward a consensus decision to move us forward. We all want our state to remain a great place that is supportive and inclusive, with a focus on creating the best environment to do business and live. And we want the entire country to know that Nebraska is, in fact, for everyone.”

Greater Omaha Chamber Statement on Legislative Activity in Nebraska Unicameral (April 26, 2023)

The conflict-of-interest ethics complaint against Sen. Megan Hunt is by a private lawyer in Omaha named Dave Begley, an estate-planning lawyer and huge supporter of the private Catholic college Chreighton University in Omaha.

This nonsense argument about a conflict-of-interest files in the face of logic, but lines up with his religious views. Should gun owners be voting on gun laws? Should corn farmers be voting on ethanol bills? Should mothers be voting for or against abortion and sex-education legislation?