
Iran to Obama: Your Offer Shows Weakness

itellu3times1/31/2009 11:05:44 am PST

re: #77 BryanS

True, the politics of the middle east is often filled with say one thing and do another. However sometimes ridiculous statements have a way of becoming true. Hamas is case in point. They likely went along with their policy of the Iranian’s prodding conflict thinking they like Hizbollah could gain in stature by taking on Isreal and merely surviving. Had the obvious drubbing of Hizbollah been perceived as the military defeat that it was, Hamas would not have been so bold. Good thing is, Israel fought back, Hizbollah was constrained out of fear of another drubbing, and Isreal exposed the lie that suggested they were weak and lacked the will to fight.

Perceived weakness invites attack from these jihadist wackos. And that perception of Obama will become dangerously accepted as fact if he doesn’t take steps to counter it.

All true. Let’s see what he does. I’m sure he has no idea what he will do, either. And don’t forget, Hillary is on the job.


It is an argument of sorts for engagement. I’d like to see someone in the government, say the night cleaning crew, write formal responses to formal Iranian rants. Heck, we could have the contest right here on LGF. I really think Bush’s “strong, silent” response was not the best choice.