
Fox News Admits 'Breakdown' on Sherrod Story

Dark_Falcon7/29/2010 7:38:23 pm PDT

re: #197 austin_blue

Completely disagree. Kerry was an American hero, rightly rewarded for his actions in combat, who fundamentally disagreed with government policy.

Question, DF. Do you believe in the right of an individual to petition the government for redress? That’s all Kerry did. He was granted that petition, and was lambasted by the Right for doing so.

So here’s the real question. Do you believe in that Constitutional Right?

Even if it’s an uncomfortable question? Because at the end of the day, the question was right on. Was Vietnam worth it?

I don’t think so. The north was always more committed than the South. They were never going to give up.

If all he had done what make the case that Vietnam wasn’t worth it, that would have been entirely within bounds. But he went far beyond that. He participated in a propaganda exercise masquerading as an “investigation” whose bogus allegations were subjected to an actual investigation by the NCIS and all but one of them were not found credible. And after he did that, he went before a panel of Senators and lied outrageously about the conduct of America’s armed forces. That makes him a piece of shit in my book.