
Saturday Night Mahi-Mahi Open

Killgore Trout2/26/2011 8:50:06 pm PST

Sandmonkey retorts…..
Et tu, Pamela? We have known each other for , what, 5 years now, and u believe some bullshit someone posts on the web without bothering to even e-mail me about it first? You couldn’t verify before you did that? I mean, this Bary Rubin and whomever else that don’t even know me can make their own conclusions, but you? For real? I would think you would be the first to call them on this nonsense, and instead you jumped on the bandwagon. And to think I have always defended you.

Nevermind that I didn’t call for those things, but I said that Israel should expect them to happen and should place them into context. Nevermind that I wrote them to assure Israelis that there won’t be a war ( we don’t want one and the military will never allow one), but that those 3 things would have to happen due to the appeasement of the general population in order to eliminate any argument that could be used to attack Israel ( siege on ghaza, they steal our Gas, the israelis are smuggling shit though our border and funding and arming the bedouins, etc..). Nevermind that my opposition to the Amr Moussa candidacy is primarily due to my beliefe that the next 6 years should be focused on rebuilding egypt and not grandstanding with Israel. Nevermind that politically speaking, Israel, like any other government in the world, would have to play politics and create good relations with the newly formed egyptian government, and therefore some acts of good will, especially after 35 years of peace would be warranted. But no, I forgot, you guys are twitchy and paranoid. You see Qaradawy giving a speech in Tahrir and you immediately think “Khomeini, Iran, Islamic jihad, wahhhhhh” without asking urself who brought him to speak (the military, part of the old regime) and if the purpose is to scare the living crap out of every single one of you for this specific purpose: to get the freedom-loving people of the american right turn against the Tahrir protesters, who actually embody those ideals you claim to defend. And you guys fell for it, because, well, my name is Mahmoud, so I must be aligned to the Islamic caliphate or some shit. God, I wish you would stop listening to Glenn Beck. Last I checked he never even came here, so he really doesn’t know what he is talking about.