
Colbert: All the Other Reasons Trump Is a Bad President (And There Are So Many) [VIDEO]

weststpaulbear3/26/2019 6:46:17 pm PDT

I applied for Medicare at the local Social Security office today. A customer service rep at Medicare suggested doing it in person rather than online.

The social security office had all of the ambiance of a Dept. of Motor Vehicles waiting area, plus the angst of everyone’s financial security being on the line (there were some pissed-off clients in some of the interview pods). The clerks were behind thick glass. The ones I met were pleasant, professional and helpful, but if I’d known how grim the setting would be, I probably would have just done it online.

It may have been worth it just for the fact that one of the clerks gave me a direct office number. When I tried calling a general S.S. number the day before, I was told that the expected hold time was 50 minutes.

My expected retirement date is July 7, 2020. I hope there’s still a system in place by the time I get there. I’m also hoping that Trump has been compelled to resign by then.