
Santorum Calls For Public Schools To Teach Creationism

Birth Control Works11/30/2011 7:40:39 pm PST

re: #200 Nick Schroeder

The horror… unable to talk about magic in a science classroom.

These people are idiots. I went to goddam Catholic school and learned all about evolution and the Big Bang and all the science-y science theories and facts and the issue of creation never came up, because, funny enough, it has nothing to do with science.


Why are so many disingenuous idiots incapable of letting those two simple words sink in?

Oh yeah. Because they need the shallow-thinking malleable rubes to fill the collection plate for the cause.

I know! Some of the most accomplished scientists have been and are Catholic Priests. How many doctors and scientists have studied at Catholic Universities?

I don’t get Santorum. He is looney tunes.