
The Mighty Thor #126, March 1966

Spare O'Lake4/28/2010 8:44:50 pm PDT

re: #208 SanFranciscoZionist

Lemme ask a question about this:

Can you explain to me how being able to investigate the immigration status of people they come in contact with is going to solve any part of this equation? The biggest issue appears to be the narcos and the criminal element, who, presumably, the cops are already pursuing for, you know, dealing drugs and kidnapping people.

Let’s say that Ramon is a real bad dude. The cops arrest him for, say, kidnapping and torturing a drug rival. What new power do the cops have to bring him under control with the new law?

Who says the only problem is stopping the drug cartels and the criminals? That may be the straw which has finally broken the camel’s back, but the porous border and the ongoing influx of vast numbers of additional honest new illegals seeking employment is the underlying problem which needs to be addressed.