
The Bros. Landreth, Live: "These Days" (Jackson Browne)

Dangerman3/21/2024 8:25:21 am PDT

re: #214 Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅

Thread reader digest so you don’t have to go to shitter

i read the first page and stopped
i am not a pollyanna

they wouldnt have enough people.
replace all the military commanders? all of them? say you do.
ranks below them 1/3 to 1/2 are not true believers. you need bodies to carry out ‘policy’. you’ll lose half of what you’re starting with and even that’s not nearly enough.

insurrection act? mass roundup of immigrants?
what ‘army’ is gonna walk into a blue state?
what do you think they’ll face if they tried?

doj, fbi, etc - again 1/3 to 1/2 are not believers. wont be enough bodies. could they target? do some damage? sure

disaster yes

sieze and hold power where the entire country submits and falls into line? nope.

there’s just not enough trained and equipped and disciplined boots to control a big city, let alone the country

the real reason i know this isnt gonna happen:

he’s gonna lose.