
Yet Another Deluge of Racial Slurs and Hate Speech at Breitbart "News," Directed at Jorge Ramos

Nyet8/27/2015 10:07:05 pm PDT

Reading the amazon description of Vox Day’s new book “SJWs always lie” was almost like reading a classic antisemitic screed with “Jews” replaced with “SJWs”. The words even look similar. So I decided to look at Vox’s blog to see what he wrote about Jews, if anything (aside from that old posting where he found deporting illegal immigrants feasible because Hitler was able to deport Jews).


voxday.blogspot. com/2011/09/holocaust-surprising-boon-for-jews.html

Holocaust a surprising boon for Jews
Without the Holocaust, would the Jews ever have gotten their own internationally recognized state in Palestine? Would they be able to so easily trump every criticism of a Jew, be it legitimate or illegitimate, by simply crying anti-semitism? Sure, the Tribe would probably still run Hollywood even if there had never been a Holocaust since they created it, but would Ben Shalom be Chairman of the Federal Reserve and would Jews be so heavily represented in the U.S. Senate, the Congress, and the U.S. media without it? Clearly, Jews should be as deeply grateful to Mister Hitler for helpfully slaughtering a few million of their fellows as China’s girls are for a mere 43 million of them being sacrificed to the greater good of their sex:

He will claim that it’s a satirical analogy to the article that he then quotes, but…

voxday.blogspot. com/2014/08/and-why-might-that-be.html

Second, understand that the resurgence of anti-semitism is happening for a reason. What that reason may be is up for discussion, but not that logic dictates its existence. Anti-semitism can be irrational but it is not always so, and pretending otherwise is both disingenuous and futile. The world knows what Ben Bernanke did last summer, so to speak. The world knows who is funding President Goldman Sachs and it understands why the head of a petty state in the Middle East can tell him off and expect him to fall in line. The world knows that the U.S. Congress is Israeli-occupied territory. The world knows who owns Hollywood, the U.S. media, and the bailed-out banks. The world knows who has been flooding its nations with third-world barbarians who don’t even understand the concept of indoor plumbing.

And the world doesn’t like it. Not one little bit. Actions have consequences; the problem is that the consequences are not always proportionate.


The idea that post-nationalism and demographic divide-and-conquer would make the Jews in America safer was intrinsically wrong, as wrong as the idea that amassing vast wealth and political influence serves as an effective form of community protection for a small minority. People like helpless refugees. People rather like grateful immigrants who settle quietly in their own communities and gradually integrate over time. People hate rich people who tell them what to do. And people really, really hate rich and powerful foreigners with supremacy complexes who tell them what to do while settling criminally-inclined aliens in their neighborhoods.

In successfully attacking the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant nature of America, Jews destroyed the American exceptionalism that offered them protection. Now that it is essentially gone, Jews have not only lost a reliable Gentile shield against global anti-semitism, but aside from Christian Zionists like Sarah Palin who fly the flag of Israel in their churches, the white Anglo-Saxons who previously defended them are no longer much inclined to do so.

So I suspect Vox’s “SJWs” could really be just a moniker for “Jooos”.