
Seth Meyers: Biden Responds to Putin's Latest Nuke Threat; Trump's Bizarre Nuke Rant

๐Ÿˆ Crush White Christian Nationalism ๐Ÿˆ9/27/2022 10:39:12 am PDT

re: #224 Dopamine Fish

Iโ€™m sure you know itโ€™s just an antiquated (and often used in English Bible translations) phrase. I do not literally โ€œfear Godโ€; while I believe he is all-powerful, the God I worship is also not the kind of God who would use that power to hurt people. (Discussions about the problem of suffering are beside this point.)

Itโ€™s a phrase that I usually hear from right-wing Christians that seem to have had religion used on them to make them afraid. It wasnโ€™t something I heard growing up as a Catholic.