
Colbert: According to Alan Dershowitz, Anything Trump Does Is Legal if It's in Pursuit of His Reelection

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/30/2020 2:55:15 pm PST

Michigan Football Coach Suspended Because He Wanted To Have Dinner, Drinks With Actual Hitler (Goes to Wonkette)

This guy had about the shortest job as a football coach. Three days after he was hired, the editor of the university’s student newspaper asked one of those very softball questions people get asked: “If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?”

His answer was Adolph Hitler. He then explained why. That did not go well.

Berger also included John F. Kennedy and Christopher Columbus at his historical figure dinner party. Poor JFK got stuck at a genocidal sausage fest. Couldn’t Berger at least invite Lucrezia Borgia and the Countess Elizabeth Bathory to round things out? Berger’s obviously never thrown a successful dinner party.

Wonkette takes apart his answer as printed in the student newspaper at the university. Stephen Robinson is righteously angry in the article.