
Israeli-Palestinian Talks to Start Monday

(((Archangel1)))7/28/2013 2:33:15 pm PDT

I really wish I could be optimistic about this. However, neither side can really advance this much.
On the Palestinian side, Hamas is a main obstacle to negotiations since violently seizing the Gaza Strip in 2007 (which included the slaughtering of quite a few Fatah personnel at the time). They do not recognize Israel in general and the negotiations in particular, which seriously harms the strength of Abass’s position.
On the Israeli side, the Netanyahu administration has issues of its own (internal-political and social) in bringing forward the results of any negotiations to the people. Netanyahu has abysmal support (he won the last elections because of the craptacular Israeli political/election system - which makes ours look like a gift from the almighty straight from Mount Sinai).
Worst of all, in my opinion, is that after all these years, most Israeli citizens are jaded when it comes to the notion of peace - even those that were major supporters of the Oslo accords. Abass is barely tolerated by the peace-supporting Israeli left, his actions from the past few years have tainted him in many eyes, and far too many believe that even if the Palestinian people want peace, their leadership - which has remained mostly the same since Arafat’s days - simply cannot be trusted.
All in all, not a good recipe for success…