
Seth Meyers: Trump and GOP Furiously Backpedal After Alabama Embryo Ruling Threatens IVF

A Cranky One2/27/2024 10:05:58 am PST

re: #213 sizzzzlerz

I had a gas company guy come to my house to relight some pilot lights after having my gas shut off for construction. He noted that my furnace was old, which it is since it’s original to the house built in 1973. He said these things should last forever except having to replace the thermocouple part occasionally, which is easily accessible. New furnaces, he said, aren’t made to be cheaply serviceable and that a new furnace, while very expensive, don’t last beyond 10 years, if you’re lucky. Brands don’t matter since they all build their units from the same parts.

High efficacy furnaces have more parts to fail. But in general most new appliances don’t last as long as older appliances.

I repair all our appliances but have replaced some older units as it became difficult to get parts (and expensive) to repair the old units.
And when other parts of the older units are worn and likely to fail, an expensive repair of one part doesn’t make sense