
Iran to Obama: Your Offer Shows Weakness

Dave the.....1/31/2009 11:09:43 am PST

#193 Conservatism

That’s because he’s black and not a Dem. A traitor to his race, I guess. I’m trying to figure out how the black community abandoned the Republican party. Anyone care to give me a history lesson?

That’s my take. Why the panic and need to destroy this man NOW. He is a threat to the 95% so lock on Blacks voting for Democrats. Just as Obama feels the need to destroy Rush Limbaugh. The effective the opposition is, the nastier you need to be to get rid of him/her.

I’ve always wondered that question. The only thing I can think of is that in the 1950’s-70’s, most African-Americans lived in the South or large cities. Area’s almost 100% Democratic at that time. So when they got involved in politics, it was easier to get involved in the local party instead of going to the Republican party. Since then, pandering. And fear. If you ever listen to left wing radio, or an African-American radio station, it’s just amazing. I should word this more carefully, but many Black activists are ignorant bigots.