
Guardian/Observer Publishes, Then Pulls New NSA Bombshell Story Featuring Birther Wayne Madsen

Dr Lizardo6/30/2013 7:00:44 am PDT

re: #233 BigPapa

She just a vapid intellectual lightweight. That’s why Levin likes her so much.

Palin is an intellectual lightweight, but I wouldn’t dismiss entirely. She may lack a formidable intellect, however, she knows how to whip up the wingnuts, and I’d say she’s pretty good at it.

She is a reactionary demagogue, and demagogues have consistently proven to be dangerous, even when they don’t exercise actual political power but function as an minence grise.

So far, I have yet to see a truly dangerous RW demagogue emerge; in my personal opinion, Palin is simply the forerunner. Whoever emerges as a truly dangerous reactionary force to be reckoned with, I believe they’ll follow Palin’s path - the folksy type. You know, “A Face In The Crowd.”