
The Commercial That Gave Kathryn Lopez the Vapors

PhillyPretzel ✅2/27/2011 4:36:34 pm PST

A creature mentioned in the video game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Presumably created by the Sith to kill Jedi. On the Jedi Academy on Dantooine, a Twi’lek Jedi teaches Revan about an event called ‘The Great Hunt’ where numerous Jedi were sent out to kill the creatures. In the game Terentateks are encountered in the Kashyyyk Shadow lands (it is referred to as ‘the ritual beast’), In Naga Sadow’s tomb on Korriban and the Shyrack Cave on Korriban. Terentateks feed on force adepts, and are found where the dark side thrives. Slow but powerful, Terentateks use their large claws to strike foes. Many Jedi have fallen to the dark side on their quest to rid the galaxy of these abominations

Hmm. Interesting.