
Classic: Daily Show's John Oliver on Australia's Total Gun Control "Failure"

Romantic Heretic4/27/2013 9:34:21 am PDT

re: #172 engineer cat

unixes are like the balkans or so i’ve heard

I always regarded UNIX as being like an F-15. It’s big and fast. It will get you to the target, paste the target and get you back in jig time.


You need a shit hot pilot sitting in the cockpit, and for every hour in the air you need several man hours, at least, of maintenance. Otherwise you end up with a big hole in the ground.

Unix is one of the reasons I stopped being a computer programmer. I believe, and still do, it’s the wrong way to go. It’s like Latin is in the Catholic Church: a way to keep the peasants away from understanding so they must go to priests (programmers) to have a relationship with God (computers).

Also at some point you must make the transition from programmer to manager and there are few people less suited to being a manager than I. Plus I went insane.