
You Expect Me To Believe That?!? (Ft. Tim Robinson)

Nerdy Fish3/25/2024 4:26:14 am PDT

re: #239 Targetpractice

As a lot of folks have commented, it’s not so much about making the ruling go away as it is about preventing James from picking his bones clean and then cracking them for the marrow. All the talk is about how he expects to gain political capital by portraying each seizure and sale as an attack on his campaign, but Tia James is going to go for the low-hanging fruit first which will be his bank accounts and slapping liens on his properties. It could be days or weeks before she actually gets around to slapping locks on anything.

I mean, as I would say as a D&D DM, he can certainly try. (I have to admit, I didn’t have “fining me hundreds of millions of dollars is ILLEGAL ELECTION INTERFERENCE because I need that money to campaign” on my bingo card.) It isn’t going to work, though. He’s not going to be penniless today. He won’t be penniless tomorrow. It’s going to be years, probably, before all appeals are exhausted, all avenues of delay explored, and the final hammer falls on the Trump Criminal Empire. However, today marks the beginning of the end, the slow, inexorable march of justice.