
Video: Trump Throws Tantrum on Day 1 After Judge Prohibits Him From Attending SCOTUS Arguments

danarchy4/16/2024 8:59:13 am PDT

I don’t understand this dichotomy in the way people feel about AI. It seams like people get freaked when AI starts doing things that are in the domain of “creatives” but when it does things in any other field it is awesome. I was listening to a podcast where they did one story about how AI was able to predict and synthesize a number of antibiotics in about 9 hours that would have taken human scientists billions of man hours and everyone was like neato, cool! Ten minutes later they were doing a story about suno and the guests were all freaked that it would replace artists and it was soulless blah blah. If it is too soulless there is always going to be a place for artists and real artists will find a way to use the new tool to do amazing things or different things that the AI can’t do.

AI democratizes things like art and music and makes it available to everyone. I used ChatGPT and Suno to make a birthday song for my mom. Aside from playing the trombone for a couple years in elementary school I am pretty musically illiterate. But it isn’t like I was going to commission an artist to write my mom a song if Suno wasn’t available.

P.S. I have always hated that term “creatives” An engineer who finds a novel solution to shrink a circuit while improving performance and reducing energy consumption is far more creative than someone who puts together yet another bubble gum pop song.