
Florida Gov. Crist to Leave GOP, Run As Independent

Walter L. Newton4/28/2010 3:44:36 pm PDT

Get ready to lock up your wallet…

Obama: Holding me to my promises is just an ‘old Washington game

For those who thought they could take President Obama at his word on taxes, you might have made a mistake. He does not seem too wedded to the idea of keeping campaign promises not to raise “any form of tax” for those making less than $250,000 a year,
When reporters ask him about the promise, he says they’re just playing some “old Washington game.”

In remarks introducing his debt commission today, Obama said he would not ask the commission to abide by his campaign promise when it produces its recommendations.

Of course this means that all of you, our friends in the media, will ask me and others once a week, or once a day, about what we are willing to rule out or rule in when it comes to the recommendations of the commission. That’s an old Washington game…so I wanted to deliver this message today: we’re not playing that game. I’m not gonna say what’s in, I’m not gonna say what’s out.