
Video: A Message From the Greatest Generation (NSFW)

The Spite House10/31/2012 7:44:52 am PDT

re: #240 lawhawk

That’s why he’s got the levels of support he does, even among the union folks who were hammered hard during talks over education and spending. The state’s got huge issues ahead of it.

And Cory Booker has also done a tremendous job in Newark.

If Booker runs against Christie next year, I wouldn’t have a problem if either wins. Both have shown themselves quite competent to run the state, especially in a crisis. Wish that other states/Congress could say the same.

Booker’s been a friggin superhero in Newark from what I’ve heard. Using Twitter to actually listen to constituents and help people on the ground and in person, like responding to a tweet about homeless people sticking it out under and overpass and convincing them to get to shelter. You’ve got some good people in charge over there.