
The Lessons of 'Climategate'

Simply Sarah2/28/2011 2:08:26 pm PST

re: #19 Sergey Romanov

“Civility”, “biparthisanship”, :barf:, weak-kneed wimps.

It’s not just that, though. It’s a culture that has been conditioned on not thinking for itself and not actually researching things to get at the truth. As a result, just throwing up some nonsense numbers or statements with little or no grounding in reality is enough to cloud the waters for many people. Since the positions are “The Earth is warming and we’re about as certain as we can be about it and we’re the cause” and “We don’t know for sure”, that puts the deniers at a huge advantage.

The average person doesn’t seem to be interested in learning why most denier positions are completely bunk with no ground to stand on, all they care is that someone, somewhere, through out some confusion. It’s like how people confuse climate and weather, even if you try to hammer the difference into their heads. Anti-intellectual ‘thinking’ has taken root such that all it takes are some snide remarks from some shill or idiot and suddenly much of the population will dismiss good and well supported science.

And, of course, people seem to like certainties. So when the realm of science goes and says “OK, we’ve learned something new, so we need to refine this theory to fit it”, it makes them uncomfortable and doubtful of the ability of science to really ‘answer questions’.

And I think I’m going to stop myself before I totally go off on a rant.