
Bob Woodward's Disgraceful Lies About White House "Threats"

simoom2/28/2013 10:29:29 am PST

re: #14 Charles Johnson

He may not have used the actual word “threat,” but he very clearly implied that he felt threatened. He’s trying to weasel out of it, now that he sees how badly he’s damaged his own reputation. What an idiot.

He was perfectly aware about how he was being covered. Check out the title of his CNN interview:

Bob Woodward on _threat_ from White House staff: “…it makes me very uncomfortable to have the White House telling reporters, you’re going to regret doing something that you believe in”

BLITZER: What was said? Yes.

WOODWARD: It was said very clearly, you will regret doing this.

BLITZER: Who sent that e-mail to you?

WOODWARD: Well, I’m not going to say.

BLITZER: Was it a senior person at the White House?

WOODWARD: A very senior person. And just as a matter - I mean, it makes me very uncomfortable to have the White House telling reporters, you’re going to regret doing something that you believe in. And even though we don’t look at it that way, you do look at it that way. And I think if Barack Obama knew that was part of the communication’s strategy - let’s hope it’s not a strategy, but it’s a tactic that somebody’s employed, and said, look, we don’t go around trying to say to reporters, if you, in an honest way, present something we don’t like, that, you know, you’re going to regret this.