
Photo of the Day: The Passing of the Torch

Targetpractice7/28/2016 6:51:20 am PDT

re: #240 lawhawk

Jumping ahead a bit to the debates, the first of which will be at Hofstra, one has to wonder how Clinton prepares for the likes of Trump.

I imagine she’ll have to come up with a way to pin Trump down on the issues since all he’s offered at any time about anything is empty platitudes.

For instance, I could see her saying that Trump is like the childhood friend who would play Connect 4 and say he won by only getting 2 in a row. You can’t just say that you’d do something. You have to say how. Anything else is just malarkey (insert your own term here).

If Hillary’s smart, she’ll use the GOP debates as her guide, looking to needle Trump into saying stupid shit and attacking her personally in a way that inspires sympathy. If she tries to counter the Gish Gallop, she’ll just end up burning through her time. And if she tries to get down in the mud with him, he’ll just beat her through experience. Like in bullfighting, the trick is to keep the bull so focused on the cape that he doesn’t notice you’re stabbing him repeatedly in the back.