
Egypt Updates: Military Deployed

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/28/2011 11:20:27 am PST

re: #249 researchok

That Hamas was democratically elected is irrelevant.

Hitler came to power by way of manipulating the democratic process.

Had we bombed Berlin in 1939 and eradicated the Nazi leadership, up to 50 million lives might have been saved.

And if mentioning the Holocaust is offensive to some, up to 44 million lives would have been saved.

Maybe. But maybe it would have so antagonized Germany that they would have concentrated on attacking Western Europe and the US, and never gone to war with the Soviet Union. Furthermore, in 1939 we didn’t have the capacity to bomb Berlin.

Such speculation is absolutely foolish. And Hitler didn’t rise through the democratic process, manipulating it or otherwise, but by taking advantage of the non-democratic portions of the process. The problem was that Germany’s government wasn’t sufficiently democratic.