
Iran to Obama: Your Offer Shows Weakness

itellu3times1/31/2009 11:16:01 am PST

re: #238 BryanS

Bush certainly could have done better vis-a-vis Iran. I suppose that since Obama is such a blank slate, there is a remote possibility he can be convinced to take a harder line with Iran. I just hope that by the time Obama realizes the Iranian game is to delay things until they have their bomb it is not too late. As it stands right now, it’s getting pretty close to being too late, if not already.

I really don’t get this, “once they have the bomb” stuff. Odds are it won’t be a very good or very small bomb, if they make it at home, and they still have to deliver it. Worst case is they manage to haul it by camelback to Israel, or I suppose hide it in a shipment of pistachios to some US port. But the world is a big place, and one or three small nukes, won’t destroy it. Even Israel might survive a couple of small nukes. Of course it would be ghastly, a second holocaust - and the Iranians would smile and laugh and deny all responsibility. Just before the Israeli retaliation killed 20 million Iranians. Hope it doesn’t come to that, but frankly, I’m not sure it can be prevented, unless the Iranians have enough sense to keep it in their pants. Time will tell.