
Call on the Clue Phone for North Korea

~Fianna6/29/2009 8:27:11 pm PDT

re: #239 JacksonTn

Don’t mind answering at all.

It was hard for me not to support HRC, but I’ve got a very deep-seated disdain for the Clintons. I REALLY wanted to be able to support the first serious major party female presidential candidate, but just not that one.

Now if Kay Hutchinson runs, I’m all about that!

I caucused for Obama, but I find the cult thing creepy and weird. He’s been disappointing every since the Biden choice. I can’t deny being moved by America electing the first non-white male candidate, but I’m distinctly underwhelmed.

I was a McCain supporter in 2004 but thought he flipped around too much on issues to get through the primaries this time. He totally lost me after the Palin pick (it was pandering, and I respect his choice of a woman, but I think there are better qualified women) and then again after the “fundamentals” speech and the suspending his campaign stunt.