
Guardian/Observer Publishes, Then Pulls New NSA Bombshell Story Featuring Birther Wayne Madsen

darthstar6/30/2013 7:37:06 am PDT

My point is, if you’re going to use hyperbole to describe Sarah Barracougar, dig a little deeper than Hitler. Be creative. Hitler’s a threadbare and overused metaphor that’s been reduced to casual insult level.

“Mom, Joey’s not sharing his ice cream!”
“Mom, Joey called me Hitler again!”

People need to step it up, be more creative. Hell, call her the Jar Jar Binks of the Sith. It’s more accurate and sends a shudder of “ooh…that’s fuckin’ low” down people’s spines. Hitler? Meh. Dude’s still behind Stalin on the most-evil list.