
Right Wing Bloggers on Race

Fearless Fred7/30/2010 1:37:08 pm PDT

re: #4 b_sharp

3) Do you think blacks have achieved racial equality, will soon achieve racial equality, will not achieve racial equality in your lifetime, or will never achieve racial equality?

But, what’s ‘racial equality’? Aren’t there differences among the races (cultures?)? I don’t see how policies forcing one race to give everything to another race results in ‘equality’. Seems like that type policy would result in the race being given everything simply wishing more stuff be given them, and the race forced to give their stuff away simply tying to hide all their stuff from the government. What’s the evidence that government force will substantially reduce ‘race’ problems? We already live in a country where it’s illegal and considered immoral to harm another person. Isn’t that enough? Why do we now have to have our stuff forced away from us by a bunch of liberals and given to some particular race they’re feeling guilty about? Why is it assumed force will solve problems of differences among races?