
California Parents Buying Anti-Vaccination Hoaxes

cichco3/31/2009 4:37:15 pm PDT

re: #189 Sharmuta

Autism couldn’t possible be one of these factors, nope. It must be the vaccinations despite a complete lack of evidence:


My sister has a thyroid condition and had a poor diet. Couldn’t possibly be why my nephew has autism, nope. Must be the vaccines.

You are bias because of your experience with your sister and her child.
I am 28, 21 when I had my child.
Perfect health.
I don’t drink or smoke…
My child has 5 shots in one day because I trust my doctor…
my child starts crying to touch.
Then doesn’t speak till almost four.
It was my health that did that? My child was fine, perfect the day I took my child to the doctor.
Believe me, when I was FIRST told to have my child tested I said “All children are different, my child will come along.”
In preschool, again “You should have your child tested.”
I ignored it again, what the hell do THEY know?

Kindergarten - that is when the ball really dropped.

Took 7 people to tell me to have my child tested… and yes, I still look back on those shots.

Do I place blame, no. I’d rather have him alive than dead with a serious condition. However, it has made parts of his interaction with the WORLD much harder, as well as my ability to reach and care for my child.

This topic is something that won’t fully be understood until 1. the research really does come out (because big pharma is big) and 2. you have a child with the same conditions (or at least under the “umbrella.”)