
Guardian/Observer Publishes, Then Pulls New NSA Bombshell Story Featuring Birther Wayne Madsen

Cresttwo6/30/2013 7:44:47 am PDT

Really doubling and tripling down on the stupid here. You guys really never heard of Wayne Madsen from oingo boigo land? Implicating Greenwald with this loony — who by the way, is an enemy of wikileaks - makes as much sense as taking The Simpsons and attributing the point of view there to The NY Post.
Its a shame about Johnson. Greenwald derangement syndrome indeed. [psst; there was actually a story of real significance reported over the last four weeks - is there a reason why you don’t want to discuss it?].
Its like they say;
Great minds talk about ideas.
Lesser minds, events.
The mediocre mind talks about people.
So keep up the ad hominem, lets hear all about Greenwald’s tax problems and ignore the cancer that is the NSA and the type of society we have become; it seems to suit you well.