
Pamela Geller Makes Excuses for Supporting Nazis

wrenchwench6/30/2011 9:31:38 am PDT

re: #23 Alouette

Well, Charles, you left a mark.

He’s actually responsible for the entire brouhaha:

[…]Then, CJ broke with the center-right members still on his forum, expelled them all, and turned LGF into a hard-left blog that amounts to a paranoid and sinister online cult. Hardly anybody from 2007 or before is still there.

Now it seems to have started up all over again, and CJ is using one disaffected individual to attempt to split up and attack the counterjihad in the UK. LINK

Considering that CJ smears the Serbs in much the same way, I’ll never believe anything he says unless it meets a far higher standard of independent verification than I would require from any normal person. Which CJ is NOT.

That’s a comment at Pam’s sewer from someone who has shown himself to be a racist over and over on many sites and on Twitter. A stalker and bigot, who used to comment here.

Ressearchok called it.

8 researchok Wed, Jun 29, 2011 5:56:42pm

I wonder how long it takes before CJ and LGF are blamed.

For whatever.