
Pamela Geller Edits Post to Conceal Violent Rhetoric in 'Email from Norway'

lawhawk7/29/2011 11:31:58 am PDT

Also important are the comments, in which she defends the posting of this message anonymously as another poster points out that the emailer could be subjected to Norwegian hate speech prosecution - to which Geller agrees and specifically notes:

turn said…

There’s an Old Testament blood-bath comin’.
Question remains: Are there enough Norsemen that will hear the Wyking song pulse in their veins?
Or will they rely on their Norske and EU’s eunuch ‘leadership’?

Season after season Norway (and Sweden) are conceding whole neighborhoods populated by ‘immigrants’ as no-go zones. Police and EMS won’t respond there. It’s the friggin’ death-cry of civilization when the barbarians can intimidate in this manner.

So…yes. A very nice letter to you, Pam, from a Norwegian Atlasite (Atlasonian?). Unfortunately, he or she could be prosecuted under hate-speech laws for writing or posting in Norway what you have passed on to us.
Reply Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 01:40 PM
Pamela Geller said…

yes turn, which is why I ran it anonymously
Reply Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 02:54 PM

So, she knew something wasn’t kosher with this email, but ran it anonymously containing that key language anyways - but did so to preserve the anonymity of the poster.

So, (a) who was the poster, and why has she taken to scrubbing the message of that key language? (well, we know the reason for (b), but I’d like her explanation in light of her message in the comments).