
RNC Official Falsely Accuses Clinton of Plagiarism

A Mom Anon7/29/2016 1:46:20 pm PDT

re: #260 Testy Toad T

The thing that annoys the ever loving fuck out of me about this whining is that they act like they are the only “real patriots” and that any of this was theirs alone to “steal”. Bullshit. Just Bullshit on that. You can’t fucking steal patriotism or love of country, it’s just not a commodity that you can sneak up and grab. This isn’t the fucking Grinch stealing a Christmas tree FFS. This is how childish they’ve become.

This crap is what I have a hard time forgiving. I NEVER stopped loving my country. Never once. I never turned on my neighbors, excluded my family from my life, pushed away friends (with the exception of one who lost his fucking mind after Obama was elected and was a shit to me), called conservatives traitors or called for their deportation or death. All of that has happened to me. I never sported a “conservative hunting license” bumper sticker on my car, or flew a traitor flag in front of my house or called a republican president a traitor (I may have thought so, but I never ran my yap about it). The GOP has done a lot of damage to communities and families in the name of their stupid team sports approach to governance. And while I will never forgive it, what I will do is my very best to make sure that shit is dead and buried by supporting and helping those who care and love their country so much they devote their lives to making it better.