
Overnight Ocean Thread

Vicious Babushka9/29/2009 6:33:52 am PDT

re: #275 LudwigVanQuixote

Yes! I very much want to read it. It has been on my list for some time to get to.

And calling anyone an apikoris, without the most serious evidence of it (and of course he isn’t!) particularly a rabbi, is the worst loshan ha ra possible. The people who were saying such slanders were apparently too holy to think that part of Torah still applied to themselves.

I have very little patience for certain types of our ultra far right. They should have a notion of chillul Hashem.

I wonder how many of our youth have gone “off the path” because no one could or would seriously answer questions they had about Torah and evolution.

Part of the problem is the acceptance in the yeshiva world, of “intelligent design” propaganda which was popularized in the 1970’s by Rabbi Avigdor Miller. He cited Discovery Institute talking points, and Immanuel Velikovsky to “disprove” the facts of evolution.