
Florida Primary 2012

Petero18181/31/2012 7:13:41 pm PST

Freerepublic is really good stuff right now, but I had to share this quote as it stands apart from the rest:
“Romney got 51% of the female vote. Gingrich 29%. Women vote for the guy they think is the most attractive. It’s the same whether the woman is a Republican or Democrat. It’s hard-wired into their system and you can’t get around it. The KGB (who orchestrated the American women’s lib movement in the sixties), America’s advertising agencies, and Hollywood moviemakers have all known this and have been capitalizing on it for years. Who do you think were the ones voting for Obama in 2008? They all thought he was ohhh so cute! Fainting included. Why do you think his handlers chose him in the first place? I’ll get flamed for this, but the worst thing to have happened to America was for women to have been granted the franchise. They can’t handle politics or philosophy. They just know how to swoon. Come on, look at Romney. He’s matinee-idol handsome. His handlers know that. So does the media. So does the Republican elite. Ask these women voters what Romney stands for and they can’t tell you. They just know they like him.”